NOTE: I plan to take a day off this coming Wednesday. Election results may not be final for days or weeks.
POST: Since these elections mostly concern local races, depending on where you live your ballot will vary. It would be a major challenge to make recommendations in every race. This is where voters need to do some homework. My favorite positive source for voting advice in Washington is the Progressive Voters Guide:
My favorite inverse source, i.e. a guide to those for whom you really ought to think twice about voting for is WeBelieveWeVote:
Don’t take their front page recommendations at face value. Click the candidate, slide down the page, click Questionnaire, Survey Responses, read the survey and take note of the candidate’s level of agreement. Most of the questions have more to do with adherence to Republican talking points than they have to do with the Christian values with which I was brought up. In general, refusing to respond to WeBelieveWeVote’s litmus test survey should be viewed positively…
One specific race:
Zack Zappone v. Mike Lish in Spokane City Council District 3 (NW): Have a look at this Rotary Club debate, the most telling moments of which start at 32:00:
Although school board races and many city council races are supposedly non-partisan, the Republican Party is pushing a national strategy to take over school boards using bogus issues like “critical race theory” (which is not taught in K-12 schools), social and emotional learning, and opposition to mask and vaccine mandates. Watch for the buzzwords—and don’t vote for these people. Their motivation is not to help optimally run a school district, but rather to push an extremist agenda.
Keep to the high ground,