Trump's Media War
Dear Group,
Trump and his media act in synergy in a war for power. (The Republican faithful and corporate interests gleefully aid and abet because they see their narrow interests can ride along.)
On Monday I posted "Nadine Woodward" and discussed the strikingly positive bias with which the Spokesman announced her candidacy. I had just read a series in the New York Times Magazine on the Murdoch media empire, a series that set the stage for my irritation with the Spokesman bias. The NYTimes series is a must read.. It comes in three parts:
How Rupert Murdoch’s Empire of Influence Remade the World
Part 1: Imperial Reach
Part 2: Internal Divisions, Inside the Succession Battle for the Murdoch Empire
Part 3: The New Fox Weapon, The Future of Fox: An Even More Powerful Political Weapon
[There is even a streamlined version: 6 Takeaways From The Times’s Investigation Into Rupert Murdoch and His Family.
And a Video presentation: The Night Fox News and Trump Became One]
If you are a subscriber to the electronic version these articles are available to you right now. if you are not a subscriber, reading this series is reason to become one. Rupert Murdoch and his sons Lachlan and James play by different rules than the rest of us. By steady application of power, influence, and propaganda over decades they make the rules. I have long been curious about the Murdoch media dynasty. These articles bring all the material together in a readable narrative. Get to know the players.
I consider this NYTimes series on Murdoch second only to Jane Mayer's epic work "Dark Money" (See below under References/Deep Background). The NYTimes series covers much less territory and is less well referenced than "Dark Money," but it is more readable in a shorter time frame.
As if the NYTImes weekend deep dive into the Murdoch media dynasty and Fox "News" weren't enough on April 6 I received an email from (a Trump 2020 campaign website to which I am subscribed) with the subject line "FINAL FAKE NEWS FOUR" looking for a donation and announcing a context to name the most egregious "fake news" outlets pushing the "witch hunt" led by "liars" and naming CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and The Washington Post as suitable exemplars for the "FAKEST NEWS."
That Trump continues to work his base by stoking conflict with all media that do not bow down to him I found profoundly chilling, particularly on the heels of reading the NYTimes article on the Murdoch propaganda and influence machine. This is no way to run a country. This is a way to discord and consolidate autocratic power. The Spokesman announcement of Nadine Woodward's candidacy for City of Spokane mayor is a microcosm of the greater story of the media wars.
Keep to the high ground,
P.S. After reading the story of the Murdoch media dynasty I find the Republican propaganda machine's incessant flogging of George Soros, the right's favorite wealthy liberal whipping boy laughable. "George Soros" has become a mantra for Republicans, a trigger meant to elicit disgust at the mere mention of his name. Ask the average Republican (including Rep. McMorris Rodgers, who uses the Soros name as a mantra) what exactly they know about the man. You will likely get a blank stare or some mumbling about Nazis. Fox focuses on Soros' teen years as a Jew in Hungary during the Nazi occupation and on his wealth accumulation as a hedge fund manager, conveniently avoiding mention of the Open Society Foundations and the rest of his long life supporting democracy in reaction to what he lived through as a youth. I urge you to click and read the Wikipedia articles on George Soros and his foundations. You will never hear a Fox commentator discussing the Murdoch media empire or the cozy synergistic relations the Murdochs now maintain with Trump. Read about both and decide who you would rather meet.