Primary Election Notes
The Democrats organize for all the Democratic candidates. Get to know them.
Interesting fact: On account of State/Federal campaign finance laws "volunteers" paid out of a federal candidate's campaign coffers aren't allowed to push local candidates. (That would be a transfer of money, i.e. the "volunteer's" wages, to the state candidate.) BUT, unpaid volunteers like us are free to talk all we want (First Amendment, you know ;-). The federal candidate's campaign just can't advocate or provide literature for state candidates, but as long as we're unpaid volunteers we can talk by just "putting on our citizen hat" at the doorstep. We're citizens free to say what we like and our efforts are not considered a contribution in a monetary sense. Phew!
Primary Election Facts to spread around:
1) In every county in Washington State (thank you, Karen Hardy, "Horse Sense-No Bull" Legislative District 7 Senate candidate for pushing Ferry County to join in} the postage for mailing in ballots is pre-paid.
2) You are not required to vote for a candidate in every race to have the votes you do cast counted
3) The sooner you mail in your ballot the sooner the campaigns will know not to pester you. The fact that you voted already is made available within 24-48 hours.
4) Don't wait until the last day! In rural counties especially you might not get a postmark until the next day and if that happens you won't be counted!