Dear Group,
Today, this Friday, and this MLK weekend is time to get out and march, meet people, share community. and be seen. A schedule with links is found above. Yesterday, Thursday morning, the Spokesman Review provided a nice summary of events entitled "Three marches in four days: Indigenous, Women’s and MLK marches will advocate for unity, human rights this weekend." Click on that, read up, and join a lot of other nice people. Come out, get to know the people you live with in this city. In the end it is all local...and this is where local starts.
Back on Monday.
Keep to the high ground,
P.S. I still have an electronic Spokesman subscription ($19.50/month), so I cannot see what the paper throws up as a paywall. If you cannot see that article on account of a paywall please let me know in a "Reply" to this email. Thanks.