NOTE: This post was intended for last Monday, but, due to a problem Substack had with one of their internet servers, it never went out. Here it is, a couple days late.
POST: Thanks to the wonders of targeted email, Rep. McMorris Rodgers (CD-5, Eastern Washington) can be selective in choosing her audience. The Wednesday, February 14th email pasted at the bottom of this post was not delivered to an address associated with this writer.
With the limited audience she feels safe railing against vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and then going one step further with, “I’m proud of my Kettle Falls community for standing up for what they think is right, making masks optional for students and staff.”
Two days before CMR sent her email to her approving audience, the Kettle Falls School Board broke state law and, as reported in the Spokesman:
…voted Monday night to make masks optional for students and staff, prompting the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to issue a notice Tuesday to the school district to comply with the governor’s requirement.
With this grandstanding vote of dissidence the Kettle Falls School Board risked losing funding from the State. McMorris Rodgers is announcing she is “proud” of an illegal act. Did the Board know their defiance was an illegal act? Yes, explicitly. In a letter posted by the District Superintendent to the District website apologizing for NOT getting Kettle Falls signed on an August 18 letter protesting to the mask mandate:
And, again, we checked with our legal counsel to find out what authority Governor Inslee has to mandate these things. Unfortunately, we learned that the gubernatorial mandates carry the weight of law, not following them could bankrupt our district and the school board could be held personally liable.
Of course, this is all a kabuki dance on the part of the Kettle Falls School Board, placating vocal District parents. The Board had to have known (or sensed) that mask mandates were soon to be rescinded statewide and the likelihood of a funding withdrawal getting underway in the remaining time was remote.
Like many of the most vocal anti-mask, anti-vaccine mandate parents (and even some now serving on local school boards (see Pam Orebaugh, CVSD) McMorris Rodgers never attended, nor does she have children who have attended Kettle Falls Public Schools. When she lived in Kettle Falls, Cathy attended the Columbia River Christian Academy and went directly from there to the then unaccredited Pensacola Christian College, totally eschewing public education.
McMorris Rodgers’ email is a bit of targeted political posturing delivered to her receptive faithful at a convenient moment. Read the rest of her missive in which she claims [with no evidence] that the rise in fentanyl deaths is “a direct result of President Biden and the Democrats’ reckless open border policies”. She should be ashamed of herself.
Notice at the bottom of Cathy’s missive that she is advertising town halls again, in carefully selected locations targeted at her faithful as she conspicuously avoids holding a town hall in the City of Spokane.
If you can spare the time, click the links and sign up. Her town halls almost never full. She doesn’t relish taking difficult questions. Note that she is holding one in person tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 24, 2022, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM PT at Centerplace Event Center, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, Washington 99216.
Keep to the high ground,
Received Wednesday, February 14th.
It’s Time to Get Back to Normal
For the last two years, the coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on each one of us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Like so many of you, I’m tired of the lockdowns, the fear, the isolation, and the despair.
Too many Americans have lost their jobs or businesses. Our kids are falling behind after being kept out of the classroom. Mental health issues, drug overdoses, and violent crime are on the rise all across the country. All because of heavy-handed government policies that are doing more harm than good.
It’s time to get back to normal. That’s exactly what I told President Biden in a letter with more than 70 of my colleagues last week calling on him to abandon his overbearing and authoritarian approach to combating COVID-19.
We are not in the same place we were on day 1 of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have safe and effective vaccines, treatments, and many now have natural immunity. Federal and state COVID-19 policies should start reflecting that, which means no more mask mandates. No more vaccine mandates. No more school closures or lockdowns.
Cleaning Up Our Environment - Yesterday, Whitman County Commissioner Michael Largent and I highlighted the success of the EPA’s Brownfield program in Eastern Washington before the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change. This program has helped transform abandoned and contaminated land in Spokane and Palouse, and I hope we can remain vigilant and preserve it for years to come.
Supporting Our Schools - Today, I met with Spokane Public Schools Superintendent Adam Swinyard to talk about the challenges students and teachers are facing due to school closures, mask mandates, and labor shortages. We need to work together to put our kids first, so I appreciate Mr. Swinyard taking the time to share his perspective with me!
Advocating for Important Programs - This week, I will meet with YMCA members from across Eastern Washington – including Karen Hedine from Walla Walla and Josh Paparazzo from the Palouse – to discuss how their organization is investing in our communities’ youth through early learning, afterschool, and summer learning programs. Thanks for all you do for our kids!
Last week, I asked if you think Governor Inslee should end the mask mandate on children in Washington like so many states across the country have already done. The results are in, and an overwhelming 80% of you believe the mask mandate on kids should end. I could not agree with you more!
Unfortunately, we know Governor Inslee is not going to lift the mask mandates for our kids until the CDC updates their guidance. That’s why I told CDC Director Walensky this week that it’s time for America to catch up and abandon policiesthat harm children and aren’t based on science or data.
We know that children are at low-risk for COVID-19. They’ve suffered enoughdue to misguided policies. I’m proud of my Kettle Falls community for standing up for what they think is right, making masks optional for students and staff. I’m urging Governor Inslee to abandon his command and control mandates and unmask our kids!
Q: Do you connect the drug overdoses and deaths to the Democrats’ open border policy? – Joanne from Colville
A: Thanks for your question. There is no doubt the unprecedented amount of illegal fentanyl crossing our southern border is a direct result of President Biden and the Democrats’ reckless open border policies.
Last year, Customs and Border Protection seized more than 11,000 pounds of fentanyl, which is enough to kill every American nearly 7 times over. Additionally, since President Biden took office, nearly 2 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended at the southern border. We have not seen numbers of this magnitude in more than two decades.
These increases are not a coincidence, and it’s time for the Biden administration to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, get serious about strengthening our border security, and protect our communities in Eastern Washington.
What question would you like to see answered next week?
Right now, Russia is increasing its troop presence at the Ukrainian border, signaling the potential for invasion. Do you support the United States getting involved if Russia invades Ukraine?
Select One:
Yes, I support the U.S. getting involved.
No, I do not support the U.S. getting involved.
Unsure or undecided.
I will be hosting six town halls over the next two weeks to hear from constituents across Eastern Washington about the issues important to them and their families. I will be making stops in Fairfield, Nine Mile, Elk, Newport, Spokane Valley, and Liberty Lake – so I hope you’ll join me! Space is limited, so these events are first come, first served.